March 19, 2012

Burgerkill Live in Solo, Showcase "Indie Clothing Festival"

Pada tanggal 15-18 Maret, Showcase menggelar "Indie Clothing Festival" yang diikuti oleh distro-distro terkemuka dari tanah air. Selain itu Showcase juga menampilkan band-band terkenal seperti Down For Life, Burgerkill, Serigala Malam, End of Julia, Attack The Headline dll.
Pada Minggu malam 18/3 suasana di area Sriwedari nampak ramai dipenuhi orang-orang berbaju hitam. Yup, tak lain dan tak bukan, mereka ingin menyaksikan aksi live Burgerkill. Band Metalcore asal Bandung ini memeiliki fans yang banyak di Solo, dan mereka menyebutnya para "begundal". Dengan harga tiket yang murah -Rp10.000,- area Graha Wisata menjadi penuh dan sesak juga karena area stage yang lumayan kecil.

Tepat jam 20.00 Band beraliran screamo asal Jogja "Attack The Headline" tampil di stage dengan performance yang menajubkan. Gaya scream dan Growl sang vokalis membuat para penonton berdiri dan berfogo di depan panggung. Band ini juga membagikan stiker dan beberapa kaos kepada penonton.

Pada jam 20.30 band terakhir yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya datang juga ke atas panggung. Yup, Burgerkill langsung disambut meriah dengan antusias para begundal yang tak sabar ingin menyaksikan aksi panggung secara langsung. Band asal Bandung yang beraliran metalcore ini membuat para begundal berfogo. Tak hanya laki-laki, yang perempuan pun juga terhanyut menikmati musik keras yang disajikan.

Aksi meriah Burgerkill ditutup dengan hujan deras hingga tengah malam.
Begundal Ra Cetho

Opera Van Java (OVJ) Live at Sriwedari Solo

Siapa yang tidak tahu OVJ (Opera Van Java), salah satu program Trans7 yang paling digemari. Sabtu 17 Maret 2012, Parto, Sule dan para anggota OVJ sukses menghibur kota Solo dengan penampilannya yang kocak. Acara diadakan secara live oleh Trans7 pada malam hari pukul 20.00-22.00 di Stadion Sriwedari, Solo.

Siang hari sebelum shooting para artis dan kru keliling kota Solo. Antusias warga yang luar biasa membuat beberapa titik jalan di Solo mengalami kemacetan. Iring-iringan ini juga diikuti oleh group sepeda onthel tua dari Solo sehingga roadshow kali itupun sangat semarak sekali.

Sorenya, sebelum acara OVJ dimulai, ribuan penonton sudah memadati area Sriwedari. Mereka tidak hanya berasal dari Solo Raya, ada yang dari kota-kota di Jawa Tengah lain dan juga Jawa Timur. Mereka juga membawa plastik yang digunakan sebagai alas untuk menonton acara yang ditunggu-tunggu ini.

Ribuan penonton memadati Stadion Sriwedari
Stage OVJ Live in Solo
Acara dimulai dengan sambutan yang sangat meriah dari penonton yang memadati stadion. Ada yang duduk di lapangan dan juga di tribun stadion, bahkan ada beberapa orang yang memanjat tower lampu hingga kena tegur kru. Dengan mengusung kisah Supata Dewi Amba, artis OVJ Parto, Sule, Nunung, Andre, Aziz sukses membuat para penonton tepingkal-pingkal. OVJ juga menampilkan beberapa bintang tamu yaitu Gading Martin, Vega, Desta, Adele, dan Tessy, tidak lupa nyanyian dari Dewi Gita dan Gisel.

Acara ini juga dihadiri Walikota Solo tercinta Jokowi, yang membaur dengan penonton lain untuk menyaksikan dan tertawa bersama. Menjelang akhir, kru mempersilahkan Jokowi untuk naik ke atas panggung, dan menyampaikan terimakasih kepada OVJ.
Acara tampak sangat meriah dan ramai hingga akhir acara. Meski terdapat beberapa acara lain di Solo saat itu juga seperti Showcase Indie Clothing Festival di Graha Wisata, dan juga penampilan J-Rock di Gor Manahan Solo.

Beberapa umat Kentingan ditemukan di sela penutupan OVJ

March 12, 2012

The Difference Between Punk and Metal


  1. Developed between 1976 and 1979 in the United States, and United Kingdom. By Late 1976, bands such as the Ramones, Sex Pistols and The Clash 
  2. Punk rock songs tend to be shorter than those of other popular genres 
  3. Power tab guitar 
  4. Bass guitar lines are often uncomplicated, used pick 
  5. Drums typically sound heavy and dry
  6. The vocals sound nasal 
  7. Lyrical theme is expressing youthful rebellion and anti-authoritarian ideologies
  8. They created fast, hard-edged music, typically with short songs, stripped-down instrumentation, and often political, anti-establishment lyrics
  9. Subgenre : 
  • Post Punk (1977) England : tended to be less pop and more dark and abrasive sometimes verging on the atonal. -Joy Division, The Fall, and Magazine, Gang of Four, and London's The Raincoats
  • Hardcore (1978) United States : A distinctive style of punk, characterized by superfast, aggressive beats, screaming vocals, and often politically aware lyrics. -Middle Class and Black Flag, Bad Brains
  • Pop punk : Combine elements of punk rock with pop music
Punk fashion usually dirty and simple clotes, jeans, leather jacket, spiky hairstyles, jewelry, and body modifications of the punk subculture.

Check this Punk Rock.. 

March 08, 2012

Canon in D and I

Pertama kali mendengar lagu ini hanya satu expresi "wow" musik yang ngerock, enak abis, dan semangat. Kemudian langsung saja melihat playlist, dan ternyata Funtwo - Canon Rock. Selama beberapa bulan ngefans banget sama lagu ini sampai pada waktunya bosan juga.
Secara kebetulan saya ketemu lagi sama ini lagu, sewaktu nonton film My Sassy Girl. Kali ini dimainkan dengan piano (George Winston), wow!! tambah cool beroo..!! Dan mulai mencari-cari.
Hasilnya :

Pachelbel's Canon

  1. Karya : Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706). Komposer asal Jerman.
  2. Original dimainkan 3 violin dan 1 figured bass diiringi gigue.
  3. Menurut hipotesis pembaca lagu ini diciptakan tahun 1694 untuk pernikahan  Johann Christoph Bach.
  4.  Lagu ini diperkenalkan kembali tahun 1919 oleh  Gustav Beckmann, kali ini tanpa diiringi gigue.
  5. Pada tahun 2005 Jerry C dan Funtwo (entah siapa) merilis Canon rock.
 Olret Lets listning..

Versi rock by Jerry Chang

Oke sekarang praktek sendiri:
Untuk piano sheet.

Untuk akustik gitar chord download pdf disini
Untuk canon rock tab nya download pdf disini
For the last, mp3 canon dari beberapa versi download disini

March 07, 2012

Event Calendar in Solo City 2012

Solo is an interesting place located in Central Java, Indonesia. There's a great Kasunan Palace and Mangkunegaran Palace an Islamic kingdom.
Solo famous of its batik and culinary. Solo has the biggest batik market on Java on, Solo is well known as sogan(brown) colorizing. The culinary is so yummy and also cheap, you can try nasi liwet, tengkleng, timlo, and the famous one is serabi.

Solo has a lot of festivals and events by the local government. Let check this out:

Grebeg Sudiro
January 15th, 2012, venue: Pasar Gede Solo
To celebrate Chinese New Years a lots of local people javanese and tionghoa bring many paper lantern and put it around the Pasar Gede. There are also best performing by the barongsai dance.

Monday, January 30th – Sunday, February 5th 2012
Venue: North square of Kasunanan Palace

The word Sekaten is derived from Islamic terminology, Syahadatain or two sentences of Syahadat.  The rite is to commemorate the birthday of Muhammad SAW the prophet. There are many attractions performed in this event. Local souvenirs and traditional handicrafts are also sold here. In Pagelaran Keraton, people will find an exhibition of Surakarta heritage where people may enjoy traditional music from gamelan instruments called Kyai Guntur Madu and Kyai Guntur Sari in Masjid Agung (Great Mosque) hall from 09.00 A.M -  12.00 P.M.

Grebeg Mulud

Sunday, February 5th, 10.00 A.M.
Venue : Surakarta Kasunanan Palace – Masjid Agung
It's the peak of Sekaten event.  Kasunanan Palace delivers Gunungan made of local agricultural products and traditional food. It is brought and prayed in Masjid Agung before it is shared to the people.

Ketoprak Festival
Friday, February 17th -Tuesday, 21st 2012
Venue: Gedung Kesenian Balekambang

Kethoprak is Javanese traditional opera in which the stories go along Javanese songs (tembang) and instruments (gamelan). The festival is performed by several kethoprak groups in Solo.

Solo Carnival
February 18 th2012, venue: Slamet Riyadi Street
Cultural carnival to commemorate the 267 years old of Solo, The local government make the carnival performing local art, design, and cultural in Solo.

Gunungan Charity Boat Race
February 19th 2012, venue: Bengawan Solo River
A boat competition to promote tourism in Bengawan Solo and to campaign ithe importance of keeping the river clean.

Mahesa Lawung
Thursday, Maret 22rd 09.00 a.m. 2012
Venue :  Kasunanan Palace – Krendhawana forest
It is a traditional rite of Kasunanan Surakarta palace to pray for a safety from any disaster. The  procession of the rite starts from Gondorasan to Bangsal Sewayana of Kasunanan Palace. They will head to Krendhawahana Gondangreja, Karanganyar (14 km north side of Solo). The place is considered to be sacred because it is believed that it was the place where the Mataram ancestors meditated. For an offer, a buffalo head and its complements are sacrificed in the rite.

Pesona Balekambang
Wednesday, April 18th - Sunday, April 22nd 2012
Venue: Balekambang Park
The exhibition flora and fauna the wood area of Balekambang

Bengawan Travel Mart
Saturday, April 28th - Sunday April 29th, 2012
Venue: Solo and surrounding

The meeting of both local and international buyer and seller of travel affair.

Solo Menari
Satuday, April 28th – Sunday, May 29th 2012
Venue: Slamet Riyadi Street

There are thousand dancer from local and international are dancing more than 24 hours

Mangkunegaran Performing Art
May 11st - 12rd 2012
Venue: Mangkunegaran Palace
A performance of traditional dances, the works of Mangkunegaran royal family.

Festival Dolanan Bocah
May, 18th - 20th 2012
Venue: Gladak

Traditional Art and old game performing by school children in Solo.

Asia Pacific Historian Conference
May, 22nd - 24th 2012
Venue: Solo

A conference held by the expert of history from Asia Paciific.

Kemah Budaya
June 8th - 10th 2012
Venue: Kota Barat field
A training of students’ culturally self-governance. The participants come from elementary grades up to senior high school grades.

Keraton Art Festival
June, 25th - 26th 2012
Venue: surakarta Kasunanan Palace

An event performing tangible (artefact, traditional weapon, etc) and intangible (ritual, palace fashion, etc) heritages of Kasunanan palace.

Tingalan Jumenengan Dalem ke-7 ISKS XIII
June, 15th 2012
venue: Surakarta Kasunanan Palace

The event is to commemorate the coronation of SISKS Paku Buwono XIII. A Bedaya Ketawang, a sacred dance, is performed here of which only special dancers may perform the dance and only for a very special event. In this event, people who are considered to have given great merit to the palace will receive aristocracy titles from the king.

Solo Kampong Art
June, 16th-20th 2012, venue: Solo
 A performance of kampong artists possessing great talents to celebrate the local government aniversary.

Parade Hadrah
June 19th 2012
Venue: Slamet Riyadi street

 A parade of hadrah performance of islamic songs and chants repeatedly along with rebana (arabic music instrument) and drum ansamble by hadrah group of Solo and surroundings.

Kreatif Anak Sekolah Solo (KREASSO)
June, 24th - 26th 2012
Venue: Ngarsapura

 An event to exhibit the creativity, art performance and product of the Solonese students.

Solo Batik Carnival
June, 30th 2012
Venue: Slamet Riyadi street

A Batik thematical carnival. All the participants will wear batik costumes. This annual carnival has been sucessfully held since 2008 up to 2011 and able to get attention of thousands of audiences. The SBC is held to promote batik and to create an image of Solo as a batik city. Hundreds of models will perform batik costumes of their own design. The costumes are designed more attractive, impressive and daring from year to year. A batik themed carnival of which all of the participants wear costumes made of batik.  In 2008, 2009 and 2010 this event had captivated hundred thousands of people to watch. SBC is held to promote batik and Solo as the city of batik.  Hundreds of models exhibit their batik costumes they have created by themselves in striking and dauntless designs.

Solo International Ethnic Music (SIEM)
July 4th - 8th 2012 
Venue: Balekambang Park
An arts performance to exhibit the wealth of local and international traditional and contemporary music.

Solo Batik Fashion
July, 13th - 16th 2012
Venue: The City Hall of Surakarta

An exhibition of batik fashion by designers.

Pentas Wayang Orang Gabungan
July, 19th - 22nd 2012
Venue: Gedung Wayang Orang Sriwedari

Wayang orang performances from the affiliation of wayang orang groups which remain exist today.

Festival Dalang Bocah
July, 22nd - 23rd 2012
Venue: Joglo Sriwedari
A festival of students puppet mastermind from Central Java.

Wayang Bocah
July, 22nd - 23rd 2012
Venue: Gedung Wayang Orang Sriwedari

A festival of Javanese traditional opera performed by students from Central Java.

Malem Selikuran
Wednesday, August 8th 07.00 p.m. 2012
Venue: Surakarta Kasunanan Palace–Sriwedari Park
  A traditional rite of Surakarta Kasunanan Palace and local people which is held in every 21st night of Ramadhan month to commemorate Nuzulul Quran (an event where Alquran, a moslem holy book was bestowed to Muhammad SAW the prophet). The series of the procession is started by taking 1000 tumpengs  (cone shaped rice) along from Pagelaran Keraton to Taman Sriwedari. Henceforth the procession is followed by a defile of Kasunanan Palace soldiers and people who brings 21 lamppost symbolizing “Malem Selikuran”.

Maleman Sriwedari
August, 10th - 25th 2012
Venue: Sriwedari Park

 An event to conserve the ”Bonrojo Sriwedari” fair as a traditional local people fair.

Grebeg Poso
August, 19th 2012
Venue: Kasunanan Palace - Masjid Agung

A traditional rite which is held due to the Idul Fitri day. There is a procession of carrying Gunungan from Kasunanan Palace to Masjid Agung.
Pekan Syawalan Jurug
August, 22nd - 29th 2012
Venue: Jurug Zoo

 A sequence of syawalan commemoration with numoerous entertainment in the area of Jurug zoo.

Bakdan ing Balekambang
August, 19th - 26th 2012
Venue: Balekambang Park

Art performances which is held to celebrate Idul Fitri day in Balekambang Park.

Federation for Asian Cultural Promotion Conference
September, 6th - 9th 2012
Venue: Solo

FACP Conference aims to promote the arts and culture of the Asia-Pacific region in the global context.

Grand Final Pemilihan Putra-Putri Solo
September, 8th 2012
Venue: Ngarsapura

 The final of Putra Putri Solo 2012 election.

Solo Keroncong Festival
September, 14th - 15th 2012
Venue: Ngarsapura

A performance of either local or national keroncong music artists, in order to preserve the traditional music as well as to strengthen the nationality.

Solo City Jazz
September 21st - 22nd 2012
Venue: Ngarsapura/Sriwedari

An anual event of jazz music performed by local and international musician.

Solo International Performing Art (SIPA)
September, 28th - 30th 2012
Venue: Solo

 Art perforrmances of the local and international artist presenting their cultures.

Solo Investation Tourism and Trade Expo (SITTEX)
October, 11th - 14th 2012
Venue: Solo

 An exhibition to encourage the investation, tourism, and commerce.

Solo International Tea Festival
October, 13tth - 14th 2012
 A festival of tea fro improving people's appreciation toward tea.

Grebeg Pangan
October, 14th 2012
Venue: Purwosari - Sriwedari

A parade of five giant piles of healthy food brought by thousands of people. The food is then distributed to the audience of the parade.

Solo Culinary Festival
October, 14th - 16th 2012
Venue: City Hall of Surakarta

 The exhibition of Javanese food and beverages combined with the modern ones rooted on Javanese recipes.

Pasar Seni Balekambang
October, 25th - 28th 2012
Venue: Balekambang Park

 An event of art performances, cultures and paintings which is a part of the series Balekambang aniversary celebration.

Grebeg Besar
October, 26th 2012
Venue: Kasunanan Palace - Masjid Agung

Anannual rite to commemorate Eid-Ul-Adha. The event is held in front of Masjid Agung. A procession of Hajad Dalem Gunungan from the Kasunanan Palace to Masjid Agung is the most improtant rite.

Javanesse Theatrical
November, 9th - 11th 2012
Venue: Solo

 Javanese plays performed by teenagers of Central Java high school students.