September 08, 2012

Kirab Budaya FACP in Solo, Indonesia

Feel tired and bored??
Walk down the street alone in the evening is very interesting.
Sept 9; 4pm : Kirap Budaya to welcome  Federation for Asian Culture Promotion (FACP) at Slamet Riyadi Steet in Solo City.
Route is Kotabarat Court - Dr. Moewardi Street - Gendengan intersection - Gladak roundabout - North Townsquare.
If you're late or not coming, here's the pictures ;)

The Leader

Red Batik Community

Reog Ponorogo

I think it's Barongsai

Seni Tari Prajuritan

Wayang Gedog SMK 8

She's so Gothic, isn't she?  :D

Moshi-Moshi :)
Bonjour, No I mean "Hail Hitler" :P

Mazel Tov hahaha

Interesting right??
You can also see Event Calendar in Solo City 2012 before you make a step ;)